Thought For Today 12 April 2023, J Krishnamurti

You, as a human being who has probably been through a great deal of anxiety, suffering, insecurity and confusion, why don’t you change? What prevents you? If each one of us asked that question, not verbally or merely intellectually as entertainment, but asked that question most seriously and deeply, what is your answer? What is your answer to this problem, that human beings have lived this way for millennia upon millennia – why haven’t they changed? Why haven’t you, who are listening now, why haven’t you changed? If you don’t change, you know what the consequences are – you will be nationalistic, tribal, insular, isolated, and therefore have no relationship globally; fighting, fighting, fighting, building up more and more armaments to destroy each other. Now, why don’t you, if you are at all serious in this matter, ask yourself that question, why I, a human being who has been through all this, haven’t changed. What would be your answer? Either you are not serious – you want to live a very superficial life, and that superficiality temporarily satisfies you – or you really don’t care. As long as you have immediate pleasures and satisfactions, you really don’t care. You don’t care for your children; you really have no deep love or affection for them. If you had, you would prevent all wars. So apparently, none of these things mean anything to you. Or probably you are so deeply conditioned psychologically that you are not aware of it. Unless there is freedom from conditioning, you will go on this way.

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