Revolution must take place at the very root of our being. This revolution can take place only when we know how to observe what we are. The observation depends on the brightness, clarity and openness of a mind that looks. But most of us are dull, and we say we see nothing when we look. We see anger, jealousy, and so on, but it doesn’t result in anything. So we are now concerned with the dull mind, not what it is looking at. The dull mind says, ‘I must be clever in order to look’ – it has a pattern of what cleverness is and is trying to become that. And somebody says to it, ‘Comparison will always produce dullness.’ So it says, ‘I must be terribly careful of that; I won’t compare.’ But how do I know I am dull? I knew what dullness was through comparison. If I don’t compare, how do I know I am dull?